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Stem Cell Action Award (International Leadership) を受賞

本会がGenetic Policy Institute(GPI)の主催する2014 World Stem Cell SummitでStem Cell Action Award(International Leadership)を受賞しました。山中伸弥理事のノーベル生理学・医学賞の受賞や、高橋政代理事の世界初となるiPS細胞の臨床研究といった科学的業績に加え、YOKOHAMA宣言を始めとする政府への強力な働きかけにより、世界中の注目を浴びることとなった再生医療等安全性確保法や医薬品医療機器等法といった先進的な規制の枠組作りに貢献したことが、国際的なリーダーシップとして評価されました。
International Leadership: Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine (JSRM)
Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine has made incredible strides in developing regenerative technology to advance medical research and contribute to human health. JSRM gathers knowledge from different fields to encourage cutting-edge, creative approaches and groundbreaking research. In 2012, JSRM’s director, Professor Shinya Yamanaka, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. JSRM is campaigning for the relaxation of Japanese government regulations concerning studies, clinical trials, and clinical applications related to regenerative medicine. As a result, new laws, including the Act for the Promotion of Regenerative Medicine, Revised Japanese Pharmaceutical Law, and Act to Ensure Safety in Regenerative Medicine were approved in 2013. The first clinical trial using iPS cells on human cells is scheduled to start this autumn in Japan. JSRM is part of the reason that Japan is at the forefront of stem cell science.